Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's about the little things in life, ya'know.

Pictured: What I'm eating now. Not Pictured: Advertisement Money

Today would have been a bland day. Nothing tremendously bad happened, and nothing wonderfully good had happened. But, there were itty bitty little good things that happened throughout today. I woke up pretty early, and felt rested. A bunny scampered across the lawn.  For lunch, I ate a pretty awesome sandwich. And a beautiful looking woman smiled at me. I got me some kickass Klondike's. All random events, yes. But they made me smile and appreciate my life. But the best part of today was that I found a dollar on the ground. Maybe my post yesterday had something to do with this chain of happiness. (Damn, shoulda written about jet ski's, or dinosaurs, or something)

All in all, no matter what kinda day you had, try and enjoy the little things in life. Be glad that you have internet access and can read my ramblings. And I hope you're wearing clothes. It's quite comfy isn't it? Bam, just listed off the internet and clothes. Those are some awesome things to have.

Your day may be awesome, but it'd be even better if you try and make someone's day better by smiling at them, complimenting them, hugging them, or something. A small gesture can go far. Trust me. That one hot chick did....ahem.

I'd give you a highfive. I'd even give you a hug. Why? Cause it's all about making your day better!
Have a good day!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Might as well talk about the importance of the USD.

Being an citizen of the United States, I use the currency system of the the  US Dollar. I know my blog is read by people from all over the world, but a good chunk (about 70%) of my readers hail from the U.S. So for that purpose, I'm going to use the USD. And I am fully aware there are other countries that use the USD. I can't think of any off the top of my head.

What can a US dollar get you?

In Kenya, that's 8 Cups of Milk. In Ghana, 87 Tablets of Penicillin. In the United States, 1/3 of a delicious, delicious Starbucks Tall Latte. Direct advertisement reference goes here.

While those stats are quite impressive and makes you think, it really only compares the US with 3rd world countries. But still, it does make you feel a little bit grateful about the importance of green Mr.Washington.

Now, let's do some scholarly things with a dollar. A sensible thing to would be to save a dollar a week, and a year later, you can buy like, 40 cheeseburgers, maaaaaan. Of course, you can spend it on incredibly cheap things, such as used books, or go to a dollar store. Maybe even give it to some random kid and just make his day.
Or even buy something healthy!

Then again, saving a dollar a week for a year and those cheeseburgers.....it sounds really tempting....

Well then. I'm out. I managed to clean my room, and stumble upon 5 quarters and a dime. That's $1.35. That is a value meal right there! Have a good day!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

And we're back.

Sorry about not posting since....a while ago.
I've had a lot of school related stuff to do, and my teachers are stupid, and having a job sucks and...

This time, I cannot blame the possessions that I've been gifted to have. This time, I cannot blame the people I've been blessed to call as "friends." This time, I cannot blame a being. An object. A thing.

I can only blame myself for not being on top of it, and not updating my blog. To make a long story short, I was a stupid kid back then, and I still am now. But I'll try my damnedest to update this blog on a more frequent level, then every 500 months. This is a new day! I can't keep kicking myself; I just have to motivate myself. And I'll find a specific topic to talk about!

Let's go!